Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 13, Pretty Darned Lucky, Actually!

Saturday, 30 April 2011:
The other day a friend and colleague of mine, John Tagliamonte flew into Bangalore.  This is his first visit to India.  He and I worked in Poughkeepsie and lived only 15 miles or so apart.  Oddly, we had not seen each other in about 2 or 3 years.  What is the chance that we would meet in Bangalore, 9000 miles away from Poughkeepsie?  It was great catching up with John.  I took him out to what I consider the city center, Commercial St.  John got to ride in an auto rickshaw for the first time.

This Commercial St:

 Masses of humanity!

Shopping Galore!

And the obligatory cow resting in the 
midst of the city!

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